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Teacher jobs in Delhi

Are you looking for teacher jobs in Delhi? As a teacher, you are responsible for promoting student interest in education and development. Your responsibilities include evaluating assignments, evaluating student progress, and planning educational activities. Delhi, it is a center of education and technology for many years, and now in every year thousands of people move to Delhi for jobs.

You should be a competent professional with a solid understanding of best practices and legal education processes. Our ideal candidate not only has excellent written and oral communication skills, but also shows excellent presentation and interpersonal skills. Tasks include: Developing and publishing educational content, including notes, tests, and tasks. Monitor the class to ensure that all students learn in a safe and productive environment.

Teacher jobs in Delhi on contract basis

For most teachers, the employment contract is a document that will be signed, returned, and forgotten by next year. However, it contains important provisions that affect a teacher’s rights in the workplace. That’s it, you can find teacher jobs in Delhi on contract basis.

It is therefore important to know some of the provisions of a standard teacher contract. Please note that the individual contractual obligations vary somewhat depending on the language contained in the contract.

Teacher jobs in Delhi schools

Are you ready to bring your spark to a team of exceptional teachers? We are looking for teachers who are committed to continuous improvement, are enthusiastic about working together and are committed to the success of all students.

To qualify for an apprenticeship, you must have a valid teaching certificate issued by the State Education Department. If you do not have your certification yet but are on the right track by September 2020, please read our application and recruitment.

Subject areas

We are particularly interested in applicants who are certified in needy subjects such as special education, natural sciences, mathematics, English as a second language and bilingual teaching.

Public district schools across the city are currently able to hire outside teachers in the following subject areas:

  • Sciences *
  • Mathematics*
  • Special education *
  • English as a second language *
  • English*
  • Social sciences *
  • Early childhood*
  • Generalist of the middle school *
  • Speech*
  • Physical education and health
  • Art, including visual arts, music, theater and dance
  • Library

Other subjects can only be set on a case-by-case basis. These adjustment needs can change. Therefore, check regularly for updates. Please note that all interested teachers must fill out our online application in order to use these and other options that may arise throughout the school year.

Teacher jobs in Delhi for fresher

Are you looking for your next teaching job for freshers in Delhi ? You can search for K12 teaching jobs, ESL teaching jobs, main jobs, and college teaching jobs by location and type of teaching job on our US teachers’ job board. Apply today for apprenticeships in school districts, charter schools, and private schools in Delhi.

Primary school teacher jobs in Delhi for fresher

Do you dream of in a private school in Delhi? Would you like to teach in a first class education system with unbeatable career opportunities? Who doesn’t!

In this regard, we have good news for you. Whether you are an experienced teacher or are just starting your teaching career, you can make this dream come true this year by teaching in private school. Delhi is in the midst of a critical teacher shortage, so schools are trying to hire fresher teachers.

Do you feel skeptical? We understand – it can be difficult to figure out how to start teaching at home, no matter in a different school!

Primary teacher vacancy in private schools in Delhi

If you haven’t applied for a job in a few years, keep two things in mind. First of all, you can put most of the applications online. Second, apply for a private school job, similar to a public school lesson, although there are some subtle differences. Apply for primary teacher posts in private schools.

Review the application process carefully. It won’t be. The biggest change is the online application process. Most employers, including private schools, expect you to apply online these days. They do this so that they can check applications.

Envelopes had to be opened and the applications sorted. Occasionally, the wizard actually checked the applications to ensure that all of the requested materials were sent. At some point the stack of applications and cover letters landed on the desk of the person who was assigned to fill the vacancy. This process can take a few hours or even longer. That depended on the number of applications received.

Nowadays, the review process can be carried out by the employee who wants to fill the position. Viewing online responses to an open position is very easy, quick and convenient. In addition, you can access the information anytime and anywhere on a Smartphone or tablet.

You must be aware that applying for a private school has some subtle differences from the public school. Here are five things you need to do when applying for a private school apprenticeship.

1. Make sure that your credentials are correct.

You will probably be looked for this position as an English teacher if you have a degree in American language and literature from one of the best colleges like Brown, Duke, Stanford or Cornell. If you have a degree in Harvard, Yale or Princeton, you will be at the top of the list. A bachelor’s degree is fine, but you should make the right noise during the interview about your plans to complete your master’s degree within a year or two. Private schools really prefer to say that most of their faculties have a higher degree. If you have a degree in the terminal, it is cool as long as you are not in the terminal. Understand that your credentials are verified by the school. So be very careful when listing a degree or certificate that you actually never acquired. You may have attended the courses but never met all of the requirements for the degree or certificate. Falsifying your credentials is a reason for dismissal. Here is a method for checking credentials.

2. Offer bright recommendations.

If any of your recommendations – and note that most schools ask for 3-5 references – comes from someone the school principal knows personally, this is a big plus. If you’re an unknown company, make sure that your recommendations are solid and clearly shining. Your references must be able to speak warmly and without hesitation during the inevitable phone call being made to check you out.